1986年12月 (創立1985年)
December,1986 [Establishment July,1985]
Business lines
・Integrated space design creation and consultancy
・Architectural design and administration
・Interior design and administration
・Graphic design and consultancy
・Product design and consultancy
・Constructional design project management
TED ASSOCIATES Co., founded by Tomohisa Nagai in 1985 as an architecture design office has successfully expanded its business to interior design, graphic design, and also product design. Currently, TED Associates is focusing on various areas of design business management including administration and consultation of integrated environmental design.We are committed to creating spaces that will remain current among ever changing trends.
永井 資久
代表取締役 エグゼクティブプロデューサー
1975-85 | 西武百貨店 千代田区飯田橋に総合環境設計事務所テッドアソシエイツ設立 |
1985 | 東京都千代田区に総合環境設計事務所テッドアソシエイツ創立 京都デザインコンペティション建築部門・家具部門にて入賞 商環境デザインコンテスト 商業施設部門にて入賞 |
1987 | ビッグベーガルデザインスタジオ(LA)日本連絡事務所開設 ロンドン連絡事務所を開設 |
1989 | ニューヨーク連絡事務所を開設 マドリッド連絡事務所を開設 |
1991- | メルセデス TMS デザインコンペティションにて最優秀賞受賞 |
1993 | 本社を東京都目黒区に移転 |
1998 | ワークスタジオを東京都品川区に開設 |
2008 | 関連会社及び国内外連絡事務所を統合 |
2013-24 | 空間デザイン機構「日本の空間デザイン」年鑑刊行委員 |
2016- | 一般社団法人日本商環境デザイン協会 (JCD)理事 |
2017- | Interior Design Meeting of Japan (IDM)コアメンバー |
2018-24 | 一般社団法人日本商環境デザイン協会 (JCD)副理事長 |
2019- | SKY DESIGN AWARDS ボードアドバイザー |
2021- | 一般社団法人日本デザインコンサルタント協会 (JDCA)会員 |
2024- | 一般社団法人日本商環境デザイン協会 (JCD)顧問 |
2024- | 一般社団法人日本空間デザイナー支援機構 (SSOJ) 代表 |
・一般社団法人日本空間デザイナー支援機構 (SSOJ)
・一般社団法人日本デザインコンサルタント協会 (JDCA)
・一般社団法人日本商環境デザイン協会 (JCD)
・Interior Design Meeting of Japan (IDM)
2008 | 「商いデザイン」経済界より出版 |
2013-24 | 年鑑「日本の空間デザイン」六耀社より出版 (空間デザイン機構刊行委員として) |
2024- | 年鑑「日本の空間デザイナー年鑑」 アルファーブックスより出版 |
Tomohisa Nagai
CEO Executive Producer
1975-85 | Worked at Seibu Department Store (Interior Design Department) |
1985 | Founded Ted Associates, a full-service environmental design firm in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Winner, Kyoto Design Competition, Architecture and Furniture categories. Commercial Environment Design Competition, Commercial Facilities Category, Prize Winner |
1987 | Big Begal Design Studio (LA) Japan liaison office opened. |
London liaison office opened. | |
1989 | New York Liaison Office opened. |
Madrid representative office opened. | |
1991 | Winner of the first prize in the Mercedes TMS Design Competition 1993 Head office moved to Meguro-ku, Tokyo |
1998 | Work studio opened in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo |
2008 | Integration of affiliated companies and overseas liaison offices |
2013-24 | Member of the Yearbook Publication Committee of the Japan Space Design Organization |
2016- | Board member of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Environment Design (JCD) |
2017- | Core Member of Japan Interior Design Meeting (IDM) |
2018-24 | Vice President of Japan Chamber of Commerce and Environment Design (JCD) |
2019- | SKY DESIGN AWARDS Board Advisor |
2021- | SKY DESIGN AWARDS Board Advisor |
2021- | Member, Japan Design Consultants Association (JDCA) |
2024- | Advisor, Japan Commercial Environment Design Association (JCD) |
2024- | Representative Director, Spatial Designer Support Organization |
Participating Organizations
・Spatial Designer Support Organization of Japan (SSOJ)
・Japan Design Consultant Association (JDCA)
・Japan Commercial Environment Design Association (JCD)
・SKY DESIGN AWARD Japan Interior Design Meeting (IDM)
Related Publications
2008 | ‘Akinai Design’ published by Keizaikai |
2013-24 | Yearbook ‘Spatial Design in Japan’ published by Rikuyosha (Participated as a member of the publishing committee of the Spatial Design Organization) |
2025- | Yearbook ‘Japanese Spatial Designers Yearbook’ published by Alpha Books |